Computer System Design

There are many different ways that one can configure the computer. It is important to take many factors into consideration when choosing how to set up the computer and the area around it.


Monitor Distance: The horizontal distance from the users eyes to the computer monitor. Ideally, the monitor should be 20-40 inches away from the user.

Wrist Angle: The angle at which the users wrist are positioned with respect to the horizontal. The wrist angle should range from 0 – 45 degrees below the horizontal. The wrists should never be angled upwards.

Keyboard Height: The distance from the floor to the keyboard. This can be adjusted based on the desk type (seated or standing).

Screen Tilt: The degree of tilt of the screen from the vertical. The ideal tilt is 10-20 degrees away from the user.

Screen Height: The distance from the floor to the screen. Similar to keyboard height, it can be adjusted based on desk type. The top of the screen should be in line or below with the users eye level.

Helpful Websites

Workplace Planner: Ergonomic Desk Height Calculator allows users to enter their height and outputs the ideal ergonomic set up for their desk and chair.

Other Considerations

Lighting: It has been proven that Natural Light in the Office Boosts Health and improves sleep, physical activity, and quality of life. This is why it is important to make sure that your office set up has windows with natural light. It is also important to make sure that the light does not create glare on the computer screen when setting up the computer system. Dim lighting or overhead lights can cause eye strain, stress, or fatigue.

Vegetation: Not only does vegetation improve the air quality but it also improves your attention. This is why it is important to have live plants rather than fake plants in the workplace.

Temperature: The office temperature sweet spot is approximately 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Background Noise: A study in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests that ambient noise increases creativity. Some employees have personal preferences of sounds to listen to while working. Providing employees with noise cancelling headphones is an option to cater to all tastes.

Vibe: There is psychological evidence about how colors affect our mood. The influence of different colors should be taken into account when crafting your office “vibe”.

This photo shows an infographic that briefly describes how to best set up your workplace.

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